To our friends who routinely purchase electrified fencing supplies from Mytee Products, how do you feel about having to move your fencing in order to accommodate feeding patterns? It’s a big job. We know of quite a few farmers who don’t bother. They build multiple fences around different areas of pasture land so that they don’t have to move anything.
The good news for you is that you may someday have access to electrified fencing that automatically adjusts itself. As crazy as it sounds, the idea is currently under development at a farm in Ireland. Two brothers, tired of having to move their fences in step with strip grazing practices, set about inventing a device that automatically moves fencing for them.
A Painstaking Job
We promote electrified fencing as an alternative to barbed wire for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that moving fence is a painstaking job regardless of the fence type you use. Electrified fencing is a lot easier to move. Why? Because there are fewer posts and wires involved. You also do not have to anchor posts as deeply.
Even so, it is a lot of work. So the two Irish farmers decided to do something about it. They figured they could come up with something better by combining their electrified fencing with GPS technology and cheap robotic drives. It turns out they were right.
The two brothers invented a system that lets them use what they call a ‘hot wire’ extending across an entire run of fence to determine how much grass is available to cattle. The fence is connected to a pair of robotic drives that constantly control the perimeter in response to grazing. This not only solves the problem of having to move fencing, but it also allows the brothers to guarantee that a given patch of grass land is fully consumed before the animals are moved to a new location.
For the record, the entire rig sits atop a series of spider wheels that can be controlled remotely. The system runs on rechargeable batteries that can go for up to two full days without being recharged. Its inventors always know the exact location of the fence thanks to on-board GPS.
An Award-Winning Invention
The brothers say it’s going to be several years before their invention is ready for mass market sales. In the meantime, they are just happy to know that it works. And does it ever. Their automatic fence is so impressive that it recently won two awards at a prestigious agricultural show in Ireland.
The judges were impressed with the system’s ability to automatically move according to a programmed schedule that calculates the best time for moving. As for the brothers, they say their invention prevents selective grazing and contamination, leads to better use of grasslands, and makes cattle management more efficient.
Buying Electrified Fencing Supplies
If the brothers eventually succeed in getting their invention to market, it could change the way you buy electrified fencing materials in the future. It will certainly change the way you handle installations. Maybe in addition to purchasing fencing wire and energizers from Mytee Products, you’ll also be buying the robotic drives too. We wouldn’t mind that at all.
In the meantime, rest assured that you can continue buying your electrified fencing supplies from Mytee Products. We carry fencing rope, tape, and wire, along with both solar and traditionally powered energizers. Also don’t forget to check out our hay tarps and temporary storage buildings while you’re here. You might find them useful as well.