7 Tips To Sleep Better In A Semi Truck At Night

A calm and well-relaxed body is essential to give the best work performance. To achieve that, nothing can beat the value of good sleep. A sound sleep after a hectic day recharges the body for upcoming events with an active mindset.

Where do truckers sleep?

6 Tips To Sleep Better In A Semi Truck At Night

Covering long journeys on an 18-wheeler truck is a regular task of truck drivers. Due to this, they have an exhausting schedule and spend a big portion of their time on the roads living in the truck. During the night, they mostly park their vehicle at the gas station and sleep in their truck. However, the sleeping experience can get interrupted due to constant noise and unwanted distractions which can cause extreme drowsiness and hence would result in unproductivity. In this blog, we have covered some tips that can help you sleep on your semi truck at night ensuring complete relaxation.

7 Beneficial Tips to Get Better Sleep While Long-haul

1. Find an appropriate place to park

As your sleeping environment is crucial, ensure you are parking your vehicle in a safe place that is quiet and away from a loud area. It is observed that most drivers park their vehicles on the side of the road which is not a good approach. Always consider parking your vehicle in authenticated rest areas, truck stops, and travel centers.

2. Invest in a Comfortable Mattress and Bedding

Bed Mattresses at Mytee Products

Take your second step towards comfortable sleep with a comfortable mattress and bedding. They enhance coziness and make your semi truck a well-suited place to shut your tired eyes. You can find a wide selection of bed mattresses at Mytee Products to provide much-needed comfort for your semi truck at night. They are of breathable material that adjusts according to sleeping position. They are also easy to fold after use as semi-truck bedrooms.

3. Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule

Our body functions best when it follows a specific routine for a consistent period. Trucking as a job may put you in uncertain tasks at any moment. It would be great for you to maintain your semi truck sleeping bedtime.

Set a schedule for waking up and sleeping and your body will thank you later on the road. It does not need an expert mind that drowsy driving can be dangerous and can harm you and people on the road. Ensure you work as per routine and provide dedicated time to your sleeping hours.

4. Create a Sleep-Conducive Environment

Like you shut your television sets and lights before you sleep, do the same with your semi truck at night. Wear a sleep mask or use blackout curtains to avoid lights. For noise, you can use earplugs or white noise that can reduce the outside sound.

Maintain a comfortable temperature of 16-19 degrees through the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). It generates power without using the truck engine, reducing noise and fuel consumption.

5. Limit Caffeine and Heavy Meals Before Bed

You might have a habit of heading out to a roadside cafe or motel and getting your favorite coffee or sodas. Consuming caffeine 3-5 hours before bedtime can disrupt your sleeping time. They can also lead to frequent bathroom visits on your semi truck at night. Avoiding heavier meals as most of the time, they cause discomfort and indigestion.

6. Wind Down and Cut down Screen Time Before Bed

We mentioned the importance of following a routine. One step ahead in sleeping in a semi truck is developing a pre-sleep schedule to get your body to relax. Avoid using your phones, laptops, or electronic devices as they affect your vision. You can use that time to read a book or listen to soothing music that calms your mind. Use trucker headsets to manage your calls without using your phone.

7. Regular Exercise

Regular Exercise

The value of regular exercise cannot be skipped for a healthy body. Get some physical activity into your daily schedule to hit bed on time and sound sleep. You can do moderate exercises on most days with no equipment and done anywhere.


A fit body is the outcome of healthy habits and sleep is one of them. Follow the points above and enhance your sleep quality on a semi truck at night. Your judgments on the road make you the best in your field and a calm and composed body is the absolute to achieve that. So follow these points as an over the road truck driver and stay safe on the road – today, tomorrow, and every day. 

At Mytee Products, we believe in helping the trucking community by providing them with the best quality trucking accessories, providing safety and performance. You can reach us via 1-888-707-8277 or [email protected] if you have any queries/interested in knowing more about us and our products.
